Awareness and knowledge of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults


Guideline awareness and knowledge are preliminary antecedents for changing individual behaviour and public health initiatives. The purpose of this study was to (1) assess the awareness and demographic correlates of awareness of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults 18-64 Years and Adults 65+ Years (24HMG) among adults living in Canada over six months from their release, and (2) assess knowledge of the 24HMG among adults living in Canada. Online surveys were distributed to a representative sample of adults living in Canada to assess guideline awareness and knowledge across three timepoints: pre-guideline launch (n=1509), two weeks post-guideline launch (n=1462), and six months post-launch (n=2010). Demographic characteristics, awareness, and knowledge of the guidelines were analyzed using descriptive statistics and frequency counts. Differences in awareness across timepoints and its correlates were analyzed using chi-square tests. Results demonstrate significant increases in awareness between pre (21.6%) and two weeks post-launch (31.9%; X2 (1) = 40.0, p < 0.001). A negative relationship was found between employment status and levels of awareness at time point two (?2 (2) = 6.3, p<0.042). Low levels of knowledge were found at all three timepoints. Dissemination efforts were successful in increasing immediate guideline awareness. However, findings highlight the importance of sustaining dissemination efforts over time to further increase guideline awareness at a population level. In addition, alternate targeted dissemination strategies may need to be considered in order to influence public knowledge of guidelines.

Acknowledgments: This work was made possible through funding provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. The authors would like to acknowledge ParticipACTION, the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults Consensus Panel and Knowledge Translation Advisory Committee members for their collaboration and contributions to this project.